Trip to Rammale Mountain

Three Years ago, wich means in 2018, I went a trip to Rammale mountain. It is situated in southern province, Matara district,Pasgoda. we went their to give alms to the monk in the forest there. Alms can be given only once a year. So, I and my family got a chance to go there that year. It is a very large reserve. there are many andemic animals live there. like Black monkeys , beautiful butterflies, and ect.. And also there were a llot of flower species.๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿต️๐Ÿ’ฎ๐ŸŒธ We went and stayed there the day befor the alms. It is very beautiful place. we had a lot of fun. But something terrifying happened to me. There are lot of leeches out there๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿ˜ณ...when we came out of the hall where we were staying, a large number of leeches were hanging on our legs.It was a different experience for me. At night it was unbelievebly cold in the south. we got up in the morning, and prepared the alms and offered the alms to the thero.It was a comforting thing for us. we offered alms and left for our house again that evening. The time spent there is indelibly etched in my mind.


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